
Black History, Books & Filling in the Gaps

Black History, Books & Filling in the Gaps

After graduating, an idea began to take shape. What if Sean Liburd opened a bookstore that not only included African authors and those of the African diaspora but was actually built around them?
4 min read
Weighing Our Troubles Rightly

Weighing Our Troubles Rightly

Jen Pollock Michel reflects on the need to right-size our suffering. To make a practice of seeing it clearly and proportionally. To regularly seek to understand stories that are different from our own.
3 min read
The Mirror in the Window

The Mirror in the Window

What we see on social media is very often distorted by our own experience of the feeds. By the flattening of reality into a personalized feed, the mirror in the window.
3 min read
Catching Conversations

Catching Conversations

Children are processing this pandemic with or without our help. Here are some ways to guide them through lockdown and whatever comes next.
2 min read
At Origin: Coffee for artists, art for Mount Pleasant

At Origin: Coffee for artists, art for Mount Pleasant

Cuneyt admitted that displaying artwork in a café or hosting a workshop might seem insignificant. “But these can actually be very encouraging things for artists,” he said. “Especially those at the beginning of their careers.”
3 min read
Ideas & Culture

Ideas & Culture

Culture is the manifestation of a series of assumptions and beliefs. We might say these ideas comprise the cultural air, and we breathe it in every day. Just like air, we should care about the quality of the ideas we breathe.
2 min read
Home & Food

Home & Food

Home is more than a thoughtful aesthetic. Our homes are vital sources of health and inspiration, and spaces of relationship and connection. We want to better how enjoy our homes, but also how to invite others in.
1 min read
Community & People

Community & People

The mark of a healthy and active community isn’t just curb appeal or amenities, it’s the network of supportive relationships that connects us to our neighbours.
1 min read
Technology & Science

Technology & Science

Our common pursuit of a good life starts and ends with people, not platforms or profits, or the promise of power. To judge which paths toward the future are best and which are likely to betray their promises, we must start with knowing what is good.
1 min read